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Catalogs - Groupe Ville-Marie Littérature
About us - Les Éditions de la Bagnole
Les Éditions de la Bagnole was founded in 2004 and has since published more than 300 titles for young readers. In the last 18 years, La Bagnole has become a driving force in the children’s book market in Quebec, attracting many renowned authors and illustrators. As a publisher, we have always remained true to our original mission and looked a head, beyond the latest trends. We find a place in the hearts of today’s readers by publishing visually appealing books with intelligent, inspiring texts that will capture many an imagination.
Groupe Ville-Marie Littérature
Bringing together five publishing houses with distinct missions, Groupe Ville-Marie Littérature has a significant literary heritage in the fields of literature, essays, children’s books and young adult literature, investigations, and practical guides. GVML's collection has more than 1,500 titles and is enriched with 70 to 80 new releases each year.
Rights Director
Office : (+1) 514-379-0330
Rights Manager
Office : (+1) 514 379-0375
Rights Assistant
Office : (+1) 514 379-0365
Groupe Librex
4545 rue Frontenac, 3e étage
Montréal, Québec, H2H 2R7
Office: (+1) 514 523-1182